How to Chill Champagne

How to Chill Champagne

Dec 1st 2023

Start With The Right Temperature

Champagne stands as a sparkling testament to life’s special moments, so getting the perfect pour is critical. Champagne is typically served between 45ºF (7ºC) and 50ºF (10ºC). You don’t want to over chill your champagne, otherwise you will end up muting its flavor and aroma. When your bottle is perfectly chilled, remember to grab and hold it by the stem so your hand doesn’t warm up the wine. Now let’s explore the best methods to chill your champagne.

Refrigerate, Don’t Freeze

You may be tempted to speed up the chilling process by putting your champagne bottle in the freezer, but this can lead to over chilling and even freezing the wine. The refrigerator is a better option because it allows your champagne to gradually chill for 3 to 4 hours. If you leave your champagne in the refrigerator overnight, make sure to let it sit on the counter for up to 20 minutes before pouring to allow it time to warm up a bit.

Use An Ice Bucket

An ice bucket is a common go-to tool for quickly chilling champagne. Fill a bucket with equal parts water and ice and add a palm full of salt (the salt will lower the freezing point, so the temperature lowers even faster). Finally, submerge your bottle for 20 minutes and occasionally swirl the bottle to evenly distribute the temperature. The advantage of using an ice bucket is that it gradually brings the wine to the right temperature and keeps it there.

Wrap In Wet Cloth

If you are looking to quickly chill your champagne, use the wet cloth method. Dampen a cloth towel with cold water and wrap it around your champagne bottle before putting it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. Then you can take your bottle out, wipe it off, and get ready to serve champagne with the perfect taste and lasting effervescence!

Know Your Champagne

Different types of champagne have different ideal serving temperatures, so it is important to know the right range for your specific bottle. For example, sweeter champagnes are often best served slightly warmer as opposed to richer more opulent styles which are better served colder. Familiarize yourself with the specific recommendations for the champagne you're serving because the right temperature can significantly enhance your enjoyment of the bubbly beverage!